
Santi-Nana France 

Santi-Nana: This volunteering experience will remain a very positive memory and the beautiful encounters I really appreciated the welcome I received at the level of the association and to be able to meet the children in their place of life and the center which welcomes them. It was for me a beautiful experience of life and a beautiful enriching sharing. While I was thinking of joining a group of foreign volunteers, I ended up being the only foreigner to participate in the project, so I worked with young volunteers from the country, which I really appreciated. I really felt immersed in the local culture and I was also impressed by the youth of the volunteers who got involved from an early age. My presence time was accompanied by the association from my arrival to my departure, I particularly thank Diana who was a real benchmark for me. At each event or organization I was offered to participate which allowed me to seize several opportunities, thanks also to Nastya for that and to the whole team of the association. As far as working with children is concerned, the team gives us the space to be able to propose and animate the activities, which is great because that is also why we come, however it is true that he is not necessarily obvious to communicate and animate with children when you do not speak the language of san1the country but it was not a big constraint because I was able to be supported by my local volunteer colleagues who were able to help me in the translation. the center is used to carrying out certain activities that the children like. it is just as interesting to bring new ideas as to discover their daily life and what they are used to doing. this is a real sharing. The person in charge of the center also facilitates our integration and is open to any project idea, we feel that she is really happy to welcome volunteers which facilitates our work together. it was also a great meeting, I have a lot of respect and admiration for this woman who knew how to build this honorable project for the children of Karakol.

I was welcomed in two different families exceptionally since one of them had to go on a trip which was all the more enriching for me I appreciate the fact of being able to know two ways of life in two different locations. I was able to have an English-speaking contact person in each of the families, which facilitated the exchange. I was very well received throughout my stay and I greatly appreciated the hospitality and humility of the inhabitants of this country.

Jitka Pultarová  Czech Republic 2022

I would like to share my experience from the workcamp „Happy sun“. This workcamp was primarily focused on working with children with disabilities. After being welcomed, I was accommodated in a family in Teplokluchenko village. It was the first time I could enjoy traditional Kyrgyz hospitality. I spent wonderful time with Ana and Aychurek and talked a lot about the life in Kyrgystan.  

The first days I worked in an inklusive kindergarten. I had an opportunity to see how to work with children who have some physical or mental disabilities. 

 On Tuesday I moved to a new family to Karakol. Aizat family provided me with a nice accommodation and interesting experiences went on. I had practice in the kindergarten with autistic children, lessons with a private teacher, amazing days in the library with Aychurek and presentation about my workcamps that I had already participated in. 

 The weekends were special because I could spend time on the lake cayaking, in Altyn Arashan and Jetty Oguz hiking. Time passed very quickly and I had to go home. 

 Special thanks to Nastia who is the leader of the organisation and coordinated all the activities. Thanks to her I also visited wedding celebration which was extraordinary experience for me. 

I really loved this workcamp, it was well organised, I met many interesting people and hope to come back again soon. 

Jitka Pultarová

Международные волонтеры 2021

Большой привет нашим дорогим читателям! Каждый год к нам в организацию приходили международные волонтеры с разных уголков нашей планеты. Но к большому сожалению в прошлом году, 2020, из-за пандемии мы не смогли принять у себя ни одного волонтера, все границы были закрыты, и многие оставались у себя дома и никуда не выходили.
А в этом году к счастью всех, ситуация намного лучше и мы приняли у себя целых 3 международных волонтера!
Каждый волонтер внес свой весомый вклад в развитие волонтерства в нашем городе.

Первым, кто прибыл к нам стала Эмма Коллет волонтер из Франции. Она была волонтером в нашей организации в течение одного месяца. Ее волонтерствопроходило очень интересно и насыщенно Емма попала на такие крутые мероприятия как «Кол Фест», астрономический лагерь и еще много всего. В свободное время Эмме наши волонтеры преподавали русский чему она была очень рада. По словам Эммы ей больше всего понравился астрономический лагерь)
I had a good time at the astrocamp. Eachnight, if weather permitting, wecouldobservethestars, planetsandorionsthanksto a professional quality equipment. In addition, the astronomy lessons that were taught by members of the organizing team were really interesting and brought some theory to the practice. The rest of the days, lots of activities were proposed : games on the shores of Lake Issyk-Kul (located right next to the camp), excursions to the Barksoon mountains where we saw a waterfall, or the visit of a museum in Karakol. All of this made me live a wonderful stay, that I recommand to everyone.”
"Я хорошо провела время в астролагере. Каждый вечер, если позволяла погода, мы могли наблюдать за звездами, планетами и орионами благодаря оборудованию профессионального качества. Кроме того, уроки астрономии, которые проводили члены команды организаторов, были действительно интересными и привнесли немного теории в практику. В остальные дни было предложено множество мероприятий: игры на берегу озера Иссык-Куль (расположенного прямо рядом с лагерем), экскурсии в Барксунские горы, где мы увидели водопад, или посещение музея в Караколе. Все это помогло мне прожить замечательный отдых, который я рекомендую всем".
– Эмма

Следующий волонтер тоже прибыл из Франции Лорен. Она помогала детскому инклюзивному центру в Ак-Суу «Кыялкечтер».
У Лорин уже есть большой опыт в работе с детьми с инвалидностью. Во Франции она тоже была волонтером в детском центре с детьми с аутизмом. Она в детских центрах рассказывала о таких центрах во Франции, делилась своим опытом. Хотя ее волонтерство прошло очень быстро, всего 2 недели она успела сделать очень много! Мы вместе помогли с ремонтом в детском центре, она успела провести уроки английского на пристани и даже побывала на Ала-Куле!

«Hi, I’m Lauryne and I’m 19. I volunteered for almost a month at the Leadership Association in the city of Karakol in Kyrgyzstan. It was there with them that I was able to complete several missions and invest myself in them to the best of my ability.
First of all I arrived in Bishkek at 8AM and I made the road until Karakol for 6 hours. There Nastia was waiting me and explained me that after I’ll get some rest for the rest of the day I’ll met a part à Leadership’s Association’s members. I was so excited to begin ! The next day I met few of them at Lenina Street at YVO Leadership local. After the appointment, Altynai, Aizat, Bekzat and Natalya, some local volunteers made me a tour of the Karakol city and I had the chance to visit beautiful places and to be more familiar with the surroundings.»
- Lauryne
"Привет, меня зовут Лорин и мне 19 лет. Почти месяц я была волонтером в Ассоциации лидеров в городе Каракол в Кыргызстане. Именно там, с ними, я смогла выполнить несколько заданий и вложить себя в них по максимуму.
Прежде всего, я прилетела в Бишкек в 8 утра и 6 часов добиралась до Каракола. Там меня ждала Настя и объяснила мне, что после того, как я немного отдохну, оставшуюся часть дня я буду встречаться с частью членов Ассоциации Лидеров. Я так обрадовалась началу! На следующий день я встретилась с некоторыми из них на улице Ленина в YVO Leadershiplocal. После встречи Алтынай, Айзат, Бекзат и Наталья, несколько местных волонтеров, провели для меня экскурсию по городу Каракол, и у меня была возможность посетить красивые места и лучше познакомиться с окрестностями."

Следующим прибыл Влад волонтер из Бельгии. Его волонтерское время совпало с Лорен, они вместе проводили свои волонтерсткие дни. Влад и Лорин хорошо подружились, думаем им было интересно вместе.
mv2Hi, my name is Vlad, I am from Belgium, and I was seventeen years old when I took part in the “Leadership program” as a volunteer in Kyrgyzstan for two weeks. I must say that I spent a really great time in Kyrgyzstan where I had the opportunity to participate in several interesting and funny activities which contributed to help the community.
- Vlad
Привет, меня зовут Влад, я из Бельгии, и мне было семнадцать лет, когда я принял участие в "Лидерской программе" в качестве волонтера в Кыргызстане в течение двух недель. Должен сказать, что я провел действительно замечательное время в Кыргызстане, где у меня была возможность принять участие в нескольких интересных и забавных мероприятиях, которые способствовали оказанию помощи обществу.
- Влад

Каждый из волонтеров внесли свой вклад и свою помощь в развитии волонтерства у нас в городе. Проводя сними время мы узнавали много интересного об их странах, о культуре и волонтерской жизни в их сообществе. Больше всего нас удивила Лорен несмотря на то что ей всего лишь 19лет она побывала волонтером во многих местах, она помогала в центрах с детьми аутистами, она была волонтером в центре для бездомных людей, и еще много где. И работая с детьми она почти уже превратилась в профессионального педагога.
Сравнивая европейскую культуру с нашей, очень заметно одна важная вещь,наши ребята в общем очень самостоятельны в бытовом плане они самостоятельно могут готовить, убираться, а европейцы в этом плане не очень развиты. Но в плане самостоятельного планирования своего будущего, по расставлению приоритетов, по видению того что они хотят и чего хотят добиться в жизни, в наличии четкого плана действий они ушли очень далеко от наших . Наша молодежь больше зависима от мнения родителей и родственников, они самостоятельно не могут выбирать свое будущее всегда смотрят на мнения окружающих. Хотя с одной стороны это хорошо, но в общем лучше, когда молодежь самостоятельна и может сделать выбор своего будущего и уметь планировать.
Мы очень рады и благодарны нашим международным волонтерам, спасибо вам большое за ваш опыт, спасибо что поделились своими знаниями и надеемся, что в следующем году мы встретимся с такими же прогрессивными, открытыми, добрыми и отзывчивыми волонтерами как вы!

emmaEmma, France 

I had a good time at the astro camp. Each night, if weather permitting, we could observe the stars, planets and orions thanks to a professional quality equipment. In addition, the astronomy lessons that were taught by members of the organizing team were really interesting and brought some theory to the practice. The rest of the days, lots of activities were proposed : games on the shores of Lake Issyk-Kul (located right next to the camp), excursions to the Barksoon mountains where we saw a waterfall, or the visit of a museum in Karakol. All of this made me live a wonderful stay, that I recommand to everyone.

Volunteers review Youth Volunteer Organization Karakol Kyrgyzstan


  Kimiko Murakami, Japan


The reason why I became a volunteer in Leadership, Karakol , Kyrgyzstan I joined Leadership as a long term volunteers for six months. In the future, I would like to be a bridge between Japan and different countries by making opportunities for many people to know other cultures. When I was an university student, I helped foreign students to study Japanese as a volunteer. Between countries, sometimes we have problems but I remember that they enjoyed learning Japanese language and cultures. At that time, I thought learning other cultures is connected to the peace between countries. read more>>>

Simone Ferraretto, Italy    

Tom Sawyer Festival 2019 Infinite thanks to Tom Sawyer fest, endless thanks to the volunteers, infinite thanks Karakol.I have recently returned to Bishkek after spending two wonderful weeks of volunteering, new friends and excursions organized by YVO "leadership". I will be infinitely grateful to all those who have made this possible! First of all, I would like to emphasize the importance of these projects and initiatives. read more>>>


Yuki,  Hong Kong 


Tom Sawyer Festival 2019 Hello, this is Yuki, from Hong Kong. This year, 2019, is the 150 years anniversary forKarakol Kyrgyzstan, as one of the check point for tourist in Kyrgyzstan, the citizen decided to decorate the town and to preserve the architectural and historical appearance of the town by restored the historical more>>>   

 Marie Bennigsen Belgium 

I had an incredible and amazing experience with both Leadership and Eco Trek. Both Organisation have welcomed me from the first day as part of the team. With Leadership I had the chance to give french class, participate in activities with young volunteers... It was a great occasion to be in contact with local population, especially the youth. I really appreciate the work of Leadership, what they do for the young people of Karakol but also for the city. I wish I could participate more in their activities but it is always difficult when you come for a short time. read more>>> 

 Ariane Eloy Belgium 


Experience at Community Based Tourism and Leadership - Kyrgyzystan At first, I started to learn a lot of think about Karakol as a city but also on Kyrgyz tradition and people.  About CBT, I worked with a Kyrgyz volunteer. The aim was to develop two brochures about Karakol: for the summer time and the winter. We choose pictures and took the other pictures in the city to have visual brochures and add some comments with each picture. read more>>>  

 Julie Rode  France


During one month, between mid-March and mid-April 2018 - I was part of the long term volunteering program of ‘Leadership Karakol’ youth organization. I was living in a host family in Ak-suu village, 15min away from Karakol and my goal was to teach English in this village orphanage.

This orphanage gathers children of all age. Nonetheless, I only worked with children from six to around twenty years old. There, the oldest kids went to school on mornings and so, during these times, I had only the youngest kids in my class, and reciprocally during afternoons. next >>>

De Bie Mirjana France 

To go with an organization isn’t necessarily as we imagine. A lot of people assume than volunteering is synonymous with humanitarian but, actually, it has nothing to do with it. Re-join an association on the spot is a given opportunity to/for build-ing something unique in a particular place during a special time. This time can takes place during a camp (two or three weeks) or a middle/long term (between one month and more than one year). next >>>

Vanessa Gibson USA


I joined the Peace Corps because I wanted to learn more about the world. I wanted to see how other people live their daily lives, and what their reality is. I knew that traveling to a country wouldn’t have offered the same insight as moving to a country for two years and living with a local family did. I integrated with the locals and learned their language, their culture, and the nuances of their lives. I started working with Leadership during the second year of my service. During this time, two projects stand out as most memorable. 
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 Stephane Razzo Israel  

Stephane Razzo  Израиль
So… my times here is almost over here in karakol and I really feel like I need to sum things up.Travelling in so many countries and experiencing cultures has really opened up my mind in so many ways and Kyrgyzstan was no different. 
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